Third Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg Third Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg    

Lesson 14: Relative Size I (Proportion)

lesson image

The instructor informs children that proportion tells the relative size (larger, smaller, equivalent) of objects.

The instructor asks children to compare the sizes of:

  • The apple and the baseball in A.
  • The cherry and the apple in B.
  • The hat and the apple in C.
  • The wheelbarrow and the apple in D.

The instructor:

  • Places on a whiteboard or large piece of paper a baseball, a cherry, a hat, and a wheelbarrow.
  • Asks children to place an apple by the side of each.
  • Places on a whiteboard or large piece of paper a pear, a spider, a cap and a chair.
  • Asks children to place an apple by the side of each.
  • Places on a whiteboard or large piece of paper a potato, a radish, a pumpkin, and a haycock.
  • Asks children to place an apple by the side of each.